Why a sales mastermind group is perfect for 2021

#Grow Your Business, #Sales Mastermind Groups, #Sharing Sales Skills Feb 17, 2021

These past 12 months or so have changed everything about how we live and work, ushering in new trends and accelerating existing ones, not least of all the challenges stemming from remote working. And while this has all been going on, we have had to forge a “new normal”. Business must keep going as best it can under the circumstances and so does business networking, but how do you get to know new contacts when face to face meetings are limited? The answer is mastermind groups.
If you’re in sales, you will know the key to success is getting people to know, like and trust you enough to do business with you. But this is quite a task when your only contact is a Zoom or phone call. So, in this article, we’ll explore why a sales mastermind group is perfect for 2021 and it’s social distancing restrictions when it comes to networking and growing your business.
“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want” – @TheZigZiglar
Mastermind Groups aren’t just local
Sometimes networking can feel like a second job, but with a mastermind group, you can take things to another level, especially with modern technology. You can jump onto a Zoom call with peers on the other side of the world as easily as you can with someone in your own town. You can chat via social media groups and share opinions with experts in your field. With all the outlets available to you, you can choose to create unique partnerships that will see your career go from strength to strength.
Mastermind Groups work on your sharing skills
A mastermind group is an excellent environment to work on your sharing skills to share abilities. By signing up with a mastermind team, you’ll be exposed to all sorts of various individuals – most of whom are likely to have more experience than you, these individuals may have actually already encountered the obstacles you’re dealing with currently, and can provide you with guidance as you navigate your career from the ground up. On the other hand, there might be people in your mastermind group that have much less experience, this gives you the opportunity to act as a coach as well as respond to any kind questions those fellow group members might have.
Mastermind Groups encourage responsibility and accountability
One of the greatest advantages provided by a mastermind group is responsibility and accountability. When you have a group of people holding you accountable, you’re more likely to make good choices and work hard as you try to grow in your profession. Think about it – you’re a lot more likely to do what it takes to meet your targets when you know your group will be asking about your progress weekly! Your Sales Mastermind Group will hold you responsible for the decisions you make. Having this accountability can assist you in meeting your objectives.
Ultimately, mastermind groups can kickstart your career predominantly because you make important connections within these groups. You will be surrounded by people that, much like you, are striving to grow in their careers and those individuals may be able to help you in work and/or various other opportunities, and you similarly will be able to help them.

For more information call Mike Palman on 07889115 660 or you can email mike@thesalesacademy.com

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